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Our services

Family Medicine

Family Planning

Ante Natal Care

Child Health

PAP Smears

Mental Health


Care Plans

Chronic Disease Management

Children’s Immunisations

Liquid Nitrogen Therapy

Minor Surgery & Skin Spirometry

Pre Employment Medicals

Driving Medicals

Injury Management & Workers compensation

Health Checks

Preventative Health

Aboriginal Health Care


We have appointment sysetm to ensure patient wait time is minimised. We request prior appointment is made to see the doctor or the nurse. 


Standard consultation for routine matters is 10 minutes. Longer appointments are available for complex matters. An emergency appointment might not be with the doctor of your choice.


Our doctors aim to keep to appointment times. However, some
consultations take longer than anticipated and we
ask for your patience and understanding.

Cancellation fees apply for non-attendance.


We are a Mixed Billing practice. Please refer to our fee schedule for detailed info.


Private fees apply for non Medicare patients and these must be paid on the day otherwise late payment fees will apply.

Medical Records

Medical records are confidential documents. It is the policy of the Practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure this information is only dealt with in line with current legislation.

If you would like to access your records a formal request must be made to the Practice. Information will be released if found appropriate at cost to cover our administrative effort


Specialist referrals require an initial assessment by your doctor, who will then prepare a referral letter to the relevant specialist. Referrals will not be issued unless you have attended an assessment and cannot be back dated.

Medical Certificates

Medical certificates can only commence from the day of your attendance. If you require a medical certificate please be sure to ask your doctor during your appointment.


Medical Certificates are legal documents and cannot be backdated.

Test Results

In order respect privacy of the patients we are not able to divulge test results may not be given over the telephone, email or by our reception staff, so please do not ask.

We make every effort to contact patients with abnormal results but sometimes these efforts fail (e.g. through incorrect telephone or address details). Please do not assume that your results are normal just because you have not heard from us. Make sure you have arranged a follow up appointment to discuss your test results

Workers Compensation

Please inform reception when booking your appointment if it is for Workers Compensation.

All visits will be billed privately.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Patients must report the accident to the Insurance Company. All appointments must be  paid on the day by the patient and can subsequently be claimed back from the Insurance Company


Prescribed medication must be reviewed regularly. We offer a repeat prescription service which doesn't require attendance with the doctor. This serivce is available only to eligible patients.  


Please discuss this with your doctor prior to using the service. It should be noted that the doctor might insist you see them before providing a repeat prescription based on their clinical judgement

If in doubt, please make a normal appointment with a doctor.

Your Rights

We take your concerns seriously and believe that problems are best dealt with within the practice and in a timely manner. Please feel free to discuss any issues with your doctor or
the practice manager.

Our Rights

We reserve the right to request that you no longer attend our surgery if we consider your behaviour to be unacceptable, such as being abusive to staff, exhibiting threatening or violent behaviour, deliberately damaging property or stealing.

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